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About Me


Hi, thanks for dropping by!

I was born and raise in the southeast of France, and since very young I developed a passion for other cultures and traveling.​ My father is French and my mother is Portuguese so I grew up with already two cultures and two countries, spending every summer near Porto in Portugal.

Not only did I love other culture but I soon realize that I had a gift for languages. My mother had signed us up early on for Portuguese school and I got to practice every Sunday at my grand mother's house where we would have lunch for hours with the whole family. My second foreign language came when I was 11 and started Middle School: English. I would spend most of my times then watching American movies in English with French subtitles, I would transcribes my favorite English pop songs for hours to try decrypting what they were saying! So my favorite movies at the time were Lethal Weapons and the TV show Friends (I know all the episodes by heart!!); and for the songs, two of them are still stuck in my head: Genie in a Bottle from Christina Aguilera and MMMBop from the Hanson Brothers. Don't judge, it was popular at the time!! My third language started at 13 with Spanish. I also learned Latin for 2 years but I was more interested in the history and mythology of Latin culture.


After high school I went to college for a diploma called LEA (Langues Étrangères Appliquées) which is a 4 year diploma in languages and business. After 2 years of college in France in the Alps, I applied for a famous exchange program called Erasmus. I could spend hours telling you about my year in Zaragoza, Spain but if you really understand how amazing it was I highly recommend the movie L'Auberge Espagnole

After 4 years of college I decided to go for my master in Paris which allowed me to spend 8 months in Manhattan, New York, my favorite city in the world. 

Since very young my dream was always to move to USA., and more specifically in San Francisco. In 2008 this dream became reality and I moved to almost San Francisco... well Canton, Ohio!!

My other dream and goal was to travel around the world by the time I was 35 which thanks to my job in Ohio I achieved. Every trip I took for work I was always able to squeeze 1 or 2 days for me to explore the culture and area and off course take great pictures!


Now I live in North Carolina and continue to explore the world in my spare time whenever it's possible, always with my cameras in hand!

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